Thanks for stopping by! Cooking is easy, you just have to try it. No one succeeds the first time and certainly not every time. And remember, it's only food!
I grew up watching my mother preparing good, simple food every day. She did it with no fuss and no muss. She had been cooking since she was a child. Those years of practice gave her a lifetime of confidence. She approached cooking without fear or dread and that is what I aspired to be, a Confident Cook. I learned by trial and error, experimented with new ingredients, recipes and techniques. I made a lot of mistakes and learned what worked and what didn't. With each attempt, I became more confident and satisfied with the food I was preparing. I learning something every day with every recipe.
Perhaps this will encourage you to try more things and go fearlessly into that kitchen! It's OK to try and fail, it's not OK to stop trying. Every recipe is an adventure and a learning experience. Join me on this adventure to good food prepared with confidence. You will find a world of flavor in your own kitchen.
Here I hope to give you the information I wish I had known when I started to cook. You will find easy-to-follow instructions and I will publish photos to illustrate as much as I can. Please try making these recipes for yourself and let me know how everything turns out.
I would love to hear all about your food experiences. Send me your questions, ideas and suggestions. Tell me what you want to read about. Let me know what you have tried that works for you, what doesn't work and what you'd like to try. Your comments are always welcome, good, bad or indifferent. Just click on "Comments" at the end of a post.
Thanks for reading!