Delectable ~ Delicious ~ Delightful
Leave a comment and tell me about the best meal you ever had. Was it something you cooked? At a restaurant? An impromptu picnic? Did someone surprise you with a special dinner? Was it breakfast in bed lovingly prepared by your kids or your spouse? Something only your mom cooked when you were a child? A simple meal in a little cafe on your travels?
There are lots of great meals in my memory and it's difficult to choose just one. One does stay with me though. I remember one holiday potluck where my mom made the buttermilk biscuits, the gravy was a team effort and I cooked the turkey. Everyone else brought all the vegetables and desserts. There was so much food and so many people! Everyone had a great time and even pitched in to do the dishes. (and this was before I had a dishwasher!)
So tell me, what great meal do you remember? Can't wait to hear! |
Well I think the best meal I have ever had would probably be something I wouldn't of cooked. But I do make a really good flat chicken, and have done it a few times with success and good reviews from guests. So I guess it would be a toss up.